Author of the Corvus Chronicles
Author of the Corvus Chronicles
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This novel is dedicated to you the reader. It is my sincerest hope that no matter where you are on your journey of life, you may find within these pages a simple familiar message which provides you some peace.
Nevertheless, I must give special mention to Deborah Lynn Wilson. More than my Love, more than my best friend, she is the living embodiment of the colourful wonders in life which my black and white outlook has never been able to fully grasp.
As outlined in the prologue, I must acknowledge Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet for helping to inspire this novel. The list of inspirations must also include Thomas Merton, my parents, my children, and everyone who has encouraged me, discouraged me, lifted me up, held me back, and help mold me to discount the opinion of any one person. Whether good or bad, they have helped me to pay attention to my own calling.
Well, them and the crow.
Journey in Love,
Original Oil Painting by Michael Paul
Michael Paul
From his home in the country, the Visitor would watch the sky
for hours. Silence, darkness, solitude.
I could never quite figure out if he was admiring the night skies,
or if he was just deep in thought or prayer. I asked him once, and his
answer was simply, Is there a difference?
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“To almost every concern and within every answer you talk of Love. As such, I think it would be good to remind us about what we have forgotten regarding Love.”
The Visitor looked into his Beloved’s eyes and answered,
When Love beckons, do not sleep
And let none stand in defiance of;
Though cost be high and loss be steep
Leave doubt behind and yield to Love.
As sure as Love will lift you high
To heights beyond your reach
To fully grasp; you must partly die
Self-interest must be breached.
And Love will drop you like a bird
Scorched flying near the sun
Do not the dizzy heights disturb
Love’s quest to become one.
For your body; it will bless
And guide you through all weather
While softly naked it will caress
Your body like a feather.
Then it will bind and chain and flog
Till you can take no more
And leave you stumbling in the fog
Alone - lost in amour.
Love will heal wounds of desire,
Then bleed you dry as stone
Love throws you into sacred fires
Where you will burn alone.
All these things Love does to you,
Exposing secrets of your heart
So you may see in all you do
That sacred special part.
“The Visitor
Copyright © 2017 by Michael Paul
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.”